Organizational transformation


What future do we really want to create? Hierarchical leaders with a vision are great. But the most important thing is for the largest number to truly share a common intention. A meaningful intention, that inspires the system as a whole and that is embodied enough to shape both long-term strategy and everyday choices.

U theory and Future Search are some of the vision-building processes that I use most often



Organizational change too often focuses on changing structures. Yet, the long term financial and operational success of this approach is more and more doubtful and the human cost is certainly increasing.   It forgets that an organization is a living system. For this complex system to manifest its collective intelligence in both decisions and actions, what is required is a transformation not only of structures and processes but of a web of identities, representations and relationships.  Our role is to create conditions that allow the system to organize itself around inspiring goals and reach a higher level of energy and renewable health.

What kind of relationships are required to tackle the challenges that we face and to grow -i.e. to learn - both individually and collectively ? Beyond knowledge management tools, the crux is above all to cultivate living networks, a culture of cooperation built around strong purposes.  Relationships where each one can feel both vulnerable and protected with the space to explore important questions that have not been answered yet. One of the most interesting challenges nowadays is for networks to learn to open up to other networks, and to include clients and partners.

Learning networks

Becoming a learning organization...

Employees asked to support yet another change program to are reacting with more and more anger, cynicism or apathy. To facilitate transformation is to invite the largest number of those who are impacted to actually participate in this transformation in a responsible and meaningful way. To reflect together on this changing world, to recreate living relationships, to imagine possibilities, to learn to let go of what prevents us from going forward.. are some of the necessary steps that will give those concerned a renewed desire to contribute and the energy to take action

Change of competitive environment, merger, restructuring, - all opportunities to re-invent oneself

Learning to question one’s own culture

Transforming the culture of an organization  - i.e. “the ways we think and do things around here” - is the deepest, most delicate and difficult transformation of all. There is no magical recipe for transforming what is at the core of a collective and the source of its success in he past. To build the bridge between past and future as we walk on it, the following conditions are needed : an imperative necessity, unrelenting involvement of leaders, repeated powerful collective experiences, the gradual adjustment of managerial systems and ... patience.